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New Patient Information
Patients being considered for admission will be evaluated on an individual basis through an assessment process. If you are deemed appropriate for treatment at our clinc you can expect to experience the following: An interview to determine medical, psychiatric, substance abuse, and psychosocial behaviors.
Physical exam conducted by the Medical Staff. Lab work and T.B. skin test and Urine Drug Screen.This process can take 2 or 3 hours your first day. Please contact our office today at (706) 861-6458 to schedule an appointment. It’s your choice to seek treatment and it is our commitment to assist you in “Stop Using…Start Living.”



Transfer Patient Information:
Private Clinic accepts transfer patients who qualify for our services. Private Clinic doesn't charge for transfer patients and accepts prior phases of all patients if they meet the 8-step criteria.

Admission: Transfer patient being considered for admission to Private Clinic must sign release of information, consent forms, complete psychosocial, physical, nursing assessment, and lab work.

Phase Advancement: Private Clinic follows the Federal and State Laws concerning take home medications. Patients who meet the time in treatment and qualify with the eight step criteria will be considered for phase advancement.



Addiction Does Not Discriminate!

"Addiction is an equal-opportunity destroyer.It does not care if the patient is black or white, old or young, rich or poor. We help put their lives back together.”

J. Paul Connell, Private Clinic North